Sunday, 9 December 2012

Christmas Caroling 2012

Hi everyone..It's been a while. I'm supposed to do my slides and project now but I'll update my blog first...Lots of things happening around me lately..Of course, there's surprising news and also good news...Well anyway, I'm here to write about my first experience for Christmas Caroling in KL..woohoo...joined the caroling with few more friends from STM parish...It's a joint caroling between STM & Assumption Church...very nice experience..especially when there's someone there..=P
Our first performance was last Friday at KL Hilton during the Norwegian Dinner..something like that..Didn't take any picture cause something unexpected happened on that day so no mood to take picture...It was really nice though..The Grand Ballroom was awesome...even the lobby is very nice...never expected that I will sing in the Grand Ballroom of KL Hilton..woohooo.....
Our second performance was yesterday at Bukit Tunku in one of the private residence there....the house was awesome weyhhh.....really for VERY VERY RICH people...fuhhh....the food was nice also...oh ya, that day I received some news...not sure whether it's good or's just fine I guess...there I took picture..some SPECIAL pictures..=P

Carolers from STM Parish...=)

Me and Charlene...

I didn't even realize Raymond took this picture... 

Me and the photographer of the day...

Surprise?? Haha...I'm much shorter than those two..ish ish..

Me and my driver..=P almost the same height...good good

The awesome Assumption Carolers...=)

Us with our awesome & talented guitarist...

TUCS people...except the guy...

My second driver & the talented singer from Assumption, Jaclyn..not sure if I spell her name correctly.. need to go and do my works....will update soon on my first Christmas w/o a father...
GBU readers and Blessed 2nd Sunday of Advent 2012